Our Projects
Explore our initiatives aimed at achieving our company goals. If you have any questions regarding any project feel free to contact me.

Tooth repair
Goal was to identify the type of tooth repair that was done on x-ray images and is now used in production of the organisation

Fraud detection
Goal was to detect possible fraudulent behaviour within an insurance company's customers and was proven very successful after reviews of insurance claim investigators. Now used in production.
Suicide detection
Working for the at the time start-up Emotra I analyzed patient data retrospectively to see if ML could detect if a person is suicidal or not. You can read more about it in a scientific article

Churn models

Goal was to detect insurance company's customers that are likely to leave the company. Used to send targeted discounts to improve customer satisfaction.
Chat-bot ( chatgpt & rag/ensamble arcitecture)

Chatbots has notoriously been bad in the past, this company was looking to change that using smart and modern techniques involving chat-gpt, rag, Lang chain architecture with guardrails. Even graph database was used in this use case for structured data within the organisation.
Document classifier
Classified documents for legal advisers in categories to save time
Talk to documents (samfällighet)
Digitalized old documents in "lag-stadgar" within a community of housing and created a RAG- architecture to be able to chat with the documents.
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) remover
Removed sensitive information from text automatically to reduce the information security classification of the data to enable processing it in cloud.
Language translationg ( old )
In the time before chat-gpt, we trained Swedish language models for translation using state of the art models from scratch using BERT.